Monday 22 March 2010

This is a demo, rough cut version of the opening sequence to my Proposed video outcome for the Drowned At Sea concept video. This was recorded in a very dark room, hence why its hard to see some aspects. I was hoping to create a rough, 'eroded' type visual to link with the name 'drowned at sea' as things erode in water....

Some of this footage will be re-recorded, however this is a good foundation of what Im attempting...

laters ...

Sunday 14 March 2010

This is a demo music video I have put together to re-fresh my skills on video editing software. This video is from footage filmed at a 'Drowned At Sea' gig I filmed the other day. I wanted to create a rough, raw, hardcore looking image for the vid.

Hope you enjoy. TTFN

Monday 8 March 2010

OK, so heres a tiny glimps of FMP, these are two demo logo/ typefaces for the band. After looking into other band typefaces that 'Drowned At Sea' vocalist liked, I tried to produce something that not was slight similar in style but also something that had a sense of weight to it.

Demo 1

Demo 2
As stated these are only demos and would eventually have more aspects added to them to 'finish them off'.

Sunday 7 March 2010

SO, the photography project really needed a kick-start this week as I've been working on FMP (final major project), and for one of the briefs in photography we were given the oportunity to take a film and create stills that represent the theme/ story of it, so I was thinking the film 'From Hell' based on Jack the Ripper....these are the results of early photos that I have taken, the film is of a dark nature and I wanted to capture this dark sinister feel, which after messing around in photoshop editing contrast and brightness these seem to have done.

Hope you visually like these, however if they do offend anyone, leave a comment and I shall remove them. TTFN.