Sunday 31 January 2010


Well, Tony Blair made his long awaited appearance at the Iraq inquiry this past Friday. Below is a collage that I made some years ago at school, which I recently came across, so I thought I'd upload for your entertainment. I'll simple say, some things never change.

Well, the planning for final major project is going, well, slow. Good job I got another week to get lots done. I got a main idea which is a good start, now I just need to wait to find out if a friend can help me with the project in mind now. Hopefully they can.

It has finally hit me, that the next 6 months are so huge for me; the last semester of my degree. The summer should be good job hunting (even though theres not much available). Perhaps maybe a 'gap year' is needed, consider I never took one between college and Uni, maybe the summers the time to get away?

I have recently added to my communication advances with the use of skype!, even though I dont own a headset, so its pointless calling someone at the moment.....maybe someday.
I blogged last week about my antisipation regarding the new Fozzy album, well its not released in Europe 'till March!!, but thanks to some person uploading the songs to youtube I have been able to give it a listen to in full. Quite simply, it is amazing and will most prob be the album I listen to for the majority of this year....I recomend you give it a listen.
Anyways, until next time....

Sunday 24 January 2010

FOZZY -Chasing The Grail...

So, it was about 15 months ago at a Stuck Mojo gig, I managed to have a chat with Stuck Mojo and Fozzy guitarist Rich Ward. Although it was a Mojo show, I decided to ask him when he intended to release the next Fozzy album....

He said he had no idea....

Well, 15 months later, its due for release on the 26th Jan 2010...and I must say, I cant bloody well wait to hear it, from what I've heard, its sounding great, so go buy it people, if you like good metal music....

Also, Motorhead are apparently back in the studio, so at least theres two good albums due for release this year....

Last year, as stated in a previous blog, belonged to Alice In Chains, after quite possibly, one of the greatest comeback albums of all time....

Monday 18 January 2010

Snow Illustrations

I should really be getting on to try finish my dissertation, but here I have uploaded some pics for you all. Everyone was complaining about the snow, although the novalty of the snow wears off after a few days, it still does not bother me to the point of continuously complaining about it.

Heres how I utilised the snow, to create some 'snow illustrations'.....

Hope you liked. TTFN, best get this dissertation going......

Sunday 17 January 2010

Some People can be strange sometimes and make you feel really 'blah', with no general reasoning.....

So I don't really have much to say, so I leave you with 'Enter SAD-MAN'.....


Tuesday 12 January 2010

Well, the uni work is going ok, however, it is going slow, but I'm sure I'll have it done by the deadline.

An interesting thing happened yesterday, as I was walking through town I was told I was 'going to hell', yes a preacher in the highstreet told me and many other that we are going to hell. Well wasn't that nice of him to share with us!!

Anyways, on a lighter note, a friend of mine has shown my a illustration based website, where you can draw and upload illustrations. So below is my first illustration for your amusement. (It may take time to get used to the tools on this site though.)

Hope You like it, and to view the animated 'loading up' of the image, heres the link.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Bollocks To Poverty (Continued)

SO people, the Bollocks To Poverty project is taking shape. Here I have decided to give you a final glimps of another outcome for this project to go with the video. This being what would eventually be a billboard advertisement. Now below are what I would call, the 'runner up' in terms of layout (I'm not gonna upload the FINAL design....well, not yet). But for now, hope you like what you see......

It was some hassle getting this done, not becuase I didnt know how to apporach this project, but because of the bloody snow, the hassle being trying to get into uni to finish this part of the project off, but I got there and got it done, thankfully. Now, I need to sort out how I'm gonna present this on my A2 boards......
Anyways, I best take a hike..... only got 3 design projects to have complete for Friday, and then theres the dissertation aswell........
wish me luck !!!! Holla.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Bollocks to poverty !

Heres the demo.....unfortunately there is no sound! For those of you who feature, thanks.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Illustration to accompany report

For one of the current project at uni, we had to write a report. I decided to choose the question regarding illustration issues within the underground 'zine' area. To coincide with the report, we need to produce 3 illustrations that back up our report. This ladies and gents, is one of them.

The illustration is designed to represent underground illustrators views on the constant uprise of the use and dependancy on computer software to create design work, taking away the raw natural aesthetic illustration gives.
As you can probably gather, the darts world championship was on TV earlier, so this kind of ha an

Snow 6/1/2010

Due to the fact that I couldnt get into uni today because of the snow, heres a few snaps I took and thought I'd add...hope you like.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Uni Project update/ Teaser

Some good news people, I have finally settled on an image style for what will become a final piece full of many portrait photos coming together to illustrate a good cause. Without spoiling what the project is, he is a little glimps of what the images will most probably look like....

PORTFOLIO- More Photography...

Hello again, here I have uploaded more photgraphic images from various projects, however have that landscape/ buildings theme to them, I hope that you enjoy!!

The Emirates Stadium/ Arsenal Football Club

Wembley Stadium, London - (it can be a right bastard getting out of that place after an event!)

The O2 Arena, London - currently voted the best music venue around the world, knocking MSG off the top spot. A great venue. Metallica put on one hell of a show there in March 2009.

The Emirates AGAIN.... yes, I'm an Arsenal fan!

An image taken from the top floor of my Uni building.

Monday 4 January 2010


Here are some selected mono prints from various projects for your viewing. Hope you like.

Alice BACK In Chains....

So 2009 brought many things, were any of them any good though? I mean whats good about a recession? NOTHING. With all the recession stuff and the vast amount of celeb deaths in 2009, where is all the good stuff? Was there actually any?

Well yes, there was one GREAT thing to happen in 2009 and no it was not Rage Against The Machine beating Simon Cowell to the UK X-mas number one, neither was it channel 4 announcing it's plans to mercifully kill off Big Brother in 2010. As much as all that was music to my ears, another thing was quite literally music to my ears.....

...The return of Alice In Chains.

And what a return it was, after years of having to really search for some decent music rather than have to put up with all that other so called music shoved down my throat by 'Kerrang!' and other forms of the mainstream media, finally they gave the time to recognise a REAL musical force. If you havent yet heard the latest AIC album, I recommend that you give it a chance, it is quite simply a MASTERPIECE!!!!

Although this album doesn't have the tremendous talent of Ex-vocalist Layne Staley on it, the new co-singer Duvall, does pretty well considering the shoes he has had to fill. Jerry Cantrell has struck song writing GOLD with this album.

So thankyou Jerry and the boys, you let REAL music rear is head once again in the mainstream world of MUSIC. Let there be more in 2010....

Sunday 3 January 2010

A START TO A 'PORTFOLIO'.....Photography - Landscapes/ buildings

Here are a few photographic images that were the beginnings of a concept within the sketchbook stage of one of the modules during my degree, i would like to take more images of this type and hopefully get some while on travel to other cities of the world. BUT FOR NOW, this is the ones I could find! hope you like.

In The News.....


(This is actaully a piece of graff that caught my eye, so thought I'd upload it.)


This blog is for me to upload a somewhat portfolio, for all your viewings.

feel free to comment on anything that does make it onto this blog.
